Privacy Policy


This privacy policy defines and informs you of how Normandy To Victory Tours uses and protects the information you provide to us, when you use our website. This confidentiality policy is likely to be modified or supplemented at any time by Normandy To Victory Tours, in particular with a view to complying with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological development. Do not hesitate to consult this page regularly.

Personal data

In general, you can visit the site without communicating any personal information about you. To benefit from all of our services (reservation, newsletter, download of products, comments, contact forms, recruitment), we ask you for certain information necessary for the desired use. Depending on your needs (reservation, newsletter, product download, comments, contact forms, recruitment), we collect the following data as much as possible: name, first name, email address, telephone number. These personal data are collected through forms and thanks to the interactivity established between you and the Normandy To Victory Tours site. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (General Data Protection Regulation) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 modified, Normandy To Victory Tours informs you of the following points:

1. Identity of the controller

The controller is Normandy To Victory Tours, having its registered office at IMPASSE LA BRANLIERE 50680 CERISY LA FORET – Tel. :

– Mail:

2. Treatment purposes

Normandy To Victory Tours is likely to process your personal information in order to provide you with the information or services you have requested (in particular: booking, sending the newsletter, commercial supply, content offered) and in order to collect information allowing us to analyze and improve our site, our products and services (especially through cookies);

3. recipients

Only Normandy To Victory Tours is recipient of your personal information. Neither we nor one our subcontractors, marketing the personal data of visitors and users of this site.

4. Conservation time

Your personal information is kept by Normandy To Victory Tours only for the time corresponding to the purpose of the collection as indicated in 2 above which cannot in any event exceed 24 months.

5. Testimonials

Normandy To Victory Tours publishes on her site a list of references & testimonies with information on the names of our customers and their titles. Normandy To Victory Tours undertakes to obtain the authorization of each client before publication on the site of any testimony. If you wish to be removed from the list, you can send us an e-mail to the address and we will delete your information very quickly.

6. Cookies/tracking

Normandy To Victory Tours uses cookies to improve and personalize the site and/or measure the audience. Cookies are recorded files on your computer’s hard drive when browsing the Internet and in particular on the site. A cookie is not used to collect personal data without your knowledge but to record information relating to your navigation on the site which can be read directly by Normandy To Victory Tours during your visits and subsequent requests on the site. If you choose to refuse all cookies, your navigation may be reduced to access certain pages of the site. The cookies used by Normandy To Victory Tours have the purpose of allowing or facilitating communication & the provision of the services requested by users. Normandy To Victory Tours also uses analysis and monitoring tools in order to measure data on her site to obtain an overview of the customers, carry out analyzes on the navigation experience in order to improve the content of it.

7. IT and freedom rights

You have the following rights concerning your personal information, which you can exercise by writing to us at

o Data access and communication
You have the ability to access the personal information that concerns you. However, due to the security and confidentiality obligation in the processing of personal data that is the responsibility of Normandy To Victory Tours, you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you will provide proof of your identity. To help you in your approach, especially if you wish to exercise your right of access through a written request at the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the link following a mail model developed by the National Commission for Data Protection (the “CNIL”).

o Data rectification right
Under this right, the legislation empowers you to request rectification, update, locking or even erasure of data concerning you which may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.

o Opposition right
The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the following two situations:
1. When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate reasons;
Or 2. When the exercise of this right aims to obstruct the data collected to be used for commercial prospecting purposes. To help you in your approach, especially if you wish to exercise your right to oppose a written request addressed to the postal address indicated in point 1, you will find by clicking on the link following a mail model developed by The CNIL.

8. Data and transfers storage location

The accommodation servers on which Normandy To Victory Tours treats and stores the databases are exclusively located within the European Union.

9. Safety

As part of its services, Normandy To Victory Tours attaches the utmost importance to the security and integrity of the personal data of its customers. Thus, and in accordance with the GDPR, Normandy To Victory Tours undertakes to take all useful precautions in order to preserve data security and in particular to protect them against accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access, as well as against Any other form of illegal treatment or communication to unauthorized people. In addition, in order to avoid in particular any unauthorized access, to guarantee the accuracy and good use of the data, Normandy To Victory Tours has set up appropriate electronic, physical and supervision procedures in order to save and preserve the data collected through its services. If despite these precautions, a security flaw came to impact, Normandy To Victory Tours undertakes to inform you as soon as possible and make her best efforts to take all possible measures to neutralize the intrusion and minimize the impacts.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on