Normandy to victory tours Private DDay tours Jon Fletcher Guide

My name is Jon and I was born in England in 1992, where I lived until moving to Normandy in 2003.

Since a very young age I have had a real passion for history, I have fond childhood memories of visiting many historical sites but World War Two has always stood out for me.

When I moved with my family to the beautiful hedgerow countryside between Saint Lô and Bayeux, I came to discover even more profoundly the reality of the events that took place here. The fighting of that summer in 1944 left an indelible mark on Normandy, which became noticeable when exploring the battlefield sites and in conversing with the people that had either witnessed, or had taken part in its liberation.

I am an active member of several associations dedicated to the remembrance of the sacrifices made at that time and the perpetuation of these memories.

Before becoming a tour guide, I was a stonemason specializing in the renovation of old buildings. It was already my way of preserving our region’s cultural heritage!

In 2015, a tour guide friend introduced me to his boss, the owner of a touring company, who was impressed by my knowledge and enthusiasm, and offered me my dream job!

I got married in 2016 and now have two young children. In 2023 I decided to work independently, allowing me more flexibility for family life and the opportunity to give quality, personalized tours.

I look forward to sharing more of my story and finding out about yours, on our tour together!